The report cards. Giunti is there, Montevago suffers. Torrasi more shadows than lights
The defense struggles at the start. Leo does well as a center back. Matos and Bartolomei have few ideas.

Il capitano Dell’Orco a. caccia del pallone
GEMELLO 8 Providential in the 12th minute with a header on Parigi's conclusion. He grants the encore, this time instinctively, in the 17th minute again on Parigi, he can do nothing on Fiorini's conclusion. He also puts his hand to it in the second half, on Cioffi's conclusion (20'st).
LEO 6 He finds a shirt on the wing, after Rimini's vehement start, he becomes the first of the three central players. Attentive match.
LOVE 5,5 Some difficulty in the first part of the match. Improves when Rimini drops the pressure.
OF THE OGRE 6 A bit in trouble at the start on Paris. Then Zauli changes the module, the department becomes more solid.
GIRAUDO 6 Great generosity, not always impeccable, but brings home a passing grade.
JOINTS 6 Tonic at the start, then he also ends up in Rimini's blender but doesn't give up.
TORRASI 5,5 In the first part you can see very little: light and not very lively. In the second half he raises his head.
CISCO 7,5 He wants to prove himself, in the 13th minute he shoots just wide, in the 29th minute he finds the equaliser. In the second half he comes close to taking the lead with a cross-shot deflected by Colombi onto the crossbar. He is the soul of the red and white attack.
BARTHOLOMEW 5,5 He plays in an unusual position, behind the striker. When Zauli changes, he shares the three-quarter line with Matos. A performance with few jolts.
MATOS 5,5 He has few opportunities to contribute in the offensive phase. He sacrifices himself.
MONTEVAGO 5,5 He can't score anymore and he's having a hard time. It must be said that he doesn't have any great chances. He can only wait.
Marconi 6 As soon as he enters he shoots at goal. Even if weakly.
LYSIS 6 He gets a yellow card which costs him a disqualification.
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