Figure Skating, Charléne Guignard and Marco Fabbri make history with third consecutive European gold

The Italian pair beat the French Evgeniia Lopareva-Geoffrey Brissaud and the British Lilah Fear-Lewis Gibson

di Redazione Sport
1 febbraio 2025
Charléne Guignard e Marco Fabbri conquistano il loro terzo oro europeo a Tallin 2025

Charléne Guignard e Marco Fabbri conquistano il loro terzo oro europeo a Tallin 2025

Tallinn, 1 February 2025 - Charléne Guignard and Marco Fabbri in the history of figure skatingThe blue couple conquered his third European gold in Tallinn 2025. The Guignard-Fabbri duo also won Espoo 2023 and Kaunas 2024.

The skater of the Fiamme Azzurre Sports Group, and his French partner who has become an Italian citizen, are students of Barbara Fusar Polion the ice of the 'Tondiraba Ice Hall' of the Estonian capital have excelled both in rhythm dance and in free routine concluding their test with an overall score of 212.12 (84.23+127.89) and far beating the competition from the French Evgeniia Lopareva-Geoffrey Brissaud (206,76) silver, and the British Lilah Fear - Lewis Gibson (206,02) bronze. The other Italian athletes finished in 15th place Victoria Manni and Carlo Roethlisberger, authors of a score of 169.14 (65.46+103.68).

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