The precedents and the latest of the match. With Cavion the last joy against the Emilians. Serpini: "Let's pay attention to their anger"

The opposing coach: "Without being presumptuous we must have the mentality we had against Spal".

31 gennaio 2025
Michele Cavion con la maglia dell’Ascoli

Michele Cavion con la maglia dell’Ascoli

On the eve of the match, coach Serpini wanted to raise his guard. "Ascoli is a strong team - he commented - but one to be discovered given that they have just changed coach and sporting director. They are going through a period of protest, so I expect them to show energy and anger on the pitch. We, without being presumptuous, must have the same mentality seen against Spal. If we don't get a result it will only be our fault. Against Spal we partially found our game, especially in the first half which was approached with great determination. Cortesi in attack increases the unpredictability and allows me to have an extra midfielder. Having many cautioned players in the long run is normal. The important thing is to finish the matches with eleven players and that those cautioned aren't disqualified in the same match. Our winning weapon is not having had any expulsions. The lads know that I give a lot of importance to this thing".


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