Market, Calabria's first words to Bologna

The former Milan captain has arrived in the city and is preparing to join his new teammates after leaving the Rossoneri. In the meantime, the team has returned to work to prepare for the Coppa Italia match against Atalanta scheduled for Tuesday at 21 pm in Bergamo

2 febbraio 2025
L'ex capitano del Milan Davide Calabria pronto a iniziare l'avventura con il Bologna

L'ex capitano del Milan Davide Calabria pronto a iniziare l'avventura con il Bologna

A championship and two Super Cups in the trophy cabinet, the captain's armband on his arm and many years serving the Devil, then the contract expiring in June and the failure to renew, the opportunity to write a new chapter in his career away from Milan.

It must not have been easy for Calabria to leave Milanello and Milan but the player immediately said he was convinced of his choice, from his first statements upon arrival in Bologna. “I'm very excited, I can't wait. As always. I'll do my best and give it my all because it's right this way. I've already spoken to the coach."

There were some who expected him to be present in the stands at the Dall'Ara for the match against Como and his new teammates, but that wasn't the case.

There is still no official confirmation but after Italiano's statements at the end of the match won against Fabregas' team it is really just a formality: "He is a boy who will join a cohesive group that works hard, he has been a flag bearer for Milan, he has great desire and enthusiasm and he will put his experience at our service" he said the rossoblù coach, Vincenzo Italiano.

Meanwhile, Calabria also returned to his farewell to Milan and the emotions of the moment: "On the trip from Milan to Bologna I had so many thoughts, too many to say. I want to sit down for a moment, talk to those in charge and then I will say everything I have to with a cool head. Saying goodbye to everyone is what is needed."

While waiting to see the defender wearing the Bologna shirt, Italiano's boys have already returned to work to prepare for the away match Coppa Italia scheduled for Tuesday at 21pm in Bergamo, where Castro and his teammates will challenge Atalanta.

The starters for the match against Como did a recovery session in the gym while the other players played games on the pitch.

Differentiated training for Escape e Ursu, therapy and gym work instead for Ferguson.

Preparation will continue tomorrow with the finishing touches at 11 am while the rossoblù coach will present the challenge to the Goddess in the usual press conference in Casteldebole at 14 pm.

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