William Viali. "Every game from now on will be a playoff"

The coach: "Unfortunately this season we have failed in 2-3 important matches, it is clear that it is a psychological problem"

16 marzo 2025
Ogni domenica, in casa e in trasferta, la Reggiana ha sempre un grande sostegno

Ogni domenica, in casa e in trasferta, la Reggiana ha sempre un grande sostegno

Mister Viali, you are coming off a heavy defeat against Cosenza, last in the standings. How much of an impact could this lapse have had on your team?"It absolutely must not have an impact also because if we were to go back and make a comparison, after a total match like the one played in Catanzaro it was impossible to expect a performance like that in the following one against Cosenza. In the last part of the championship there is nothing sensible anymore and every game must be experienced as a play-off. We will have to interpret them all like this, regardless of who our opponent will be".

How can one explain such a different alternation between one performance and another? "Luckily, there were more very positive performances, but when we made the leap in quality, we actually failed in 2-3 important matches. It's clear that it's a psychological aspect, if we knew it thoroughly it wouldn't have happened again. Honestly, we didn't expect it anymore, because from January onwards the team has had remarkable continuity in performances. However, I want to say one thing: there's no more time to correct the defects, we have to live with them and the only way to do it is through mentality. We have to enhance the qualities that this team has and mask the defects. I love the qualities of my team, we will have to hide the defects".

It seems like an implicit message to the environment that is very pessimistic, for the series: let's stay united at least until May 9, the last match of the championship. Is that so? "Yes, I can make decisions for the team group, but the whole environment must try to create this alchemy that makes a huge difference. I am sure that if we are the first to create these premises, then the push will also come from external factors".

Captain Rozzio has started training again, will he at least return to the list of players called up? "Yes, Paolo will certainly be with us on the bench. It's clear that he can't be ready yet because he's only had one week of training, but from next week he will start to push even harder to get on par with his teammates. We are very happy with his presence."

What kind of team is Sampdoria? "A strong team, obviously built for other objectives, profoundly changed in the January transfer market, but it has our points and therefore we must live it as a play-off, as a match of life to pursue our objective".

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