Farewell to Miranda Cicognani, world-class gymnast and Italy's first female flag bearer at the Olympics

Born in Forlì 88 years ago, she has participated in three editions, a record she shares with Monica Bergamelli and Vanessa Ferrari

di Redazione Sport
30 gennaio 2025
Addio a Miranda Cicognani

Addio a Miranda Cicognani

Rome, January 30, 2025 - Italian sport in mourning for the death of Miranda Cicognani top gymnast at a global level and Italy's first female flag bearer at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics.

Helsinki 1952, Miranda Cicognani portabandiera per l'Italia ai Giochi
Helsinki 1952, Miranda Cicognani portabandiera per l'Italia ai Giochi

Born in Forlì 88 years ago, she also participated in the Melbourne 1956 and Rome 1960 Games: three editions as they did later only Monica Bergamelli and Vanessa Ferrari.

Was also international judge in six editions of the Olympics: from Montreal 1976 to Sydney 2000.

He won gold five times at the Italian Absolute Championships, between 1956 and 1962 (still a national record), interrupted only by her sister Rosella in 1959 and 1961. From 1963 to 1965 she held the role of instructor for the national team.  

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