Marotta's statements. "Winning culture? I learned it at Juventus"
On Friday evening, Inter president Beppe Marotta was a guest at an event organized by the Famiglia Legnanese association. At the meeting...

Nella serata di venerdì, il presidente dell’Inter Beppe Marotta è stato ospite di un evento organizzato dall’associazione Famiglia Legnanese. All’incontro...
On Friday evening, the president of theInter Beppe Marotta was a guest at an event organized by the association Legnanese family. The meeting was attended by some representatives of the Inter Club of Legnano. "I wholeheartedly accepted this invitation, because it means coming to the area where I was born and raised. My job is wonderful, I like being among people - declared the Nerazzurri's top manager before retracing his career in football - In every team I've been to, I've always tried to make the most of all the teachings. In particular, at Juventus I learned the sense of belonging and the culture of victory, values that I also brought to Inter. Without the culture of work, then, you don't go anywhere".
In the meantime ad Appiano Gentile the players who are not busy with their respective national teams have returned to work, nine in total. They had also been included in the list by their coaches Thuram, Dumfries, Zalewski, Lautaro, but they had to surrender to a series of physical problems. Two of them, Dumfries and Lautaro, are scheduled for today to undergo instrumental tests to understand the extent of the injuries that have affected them. Both are expected to miss both the challenge against Udinese on March 30 in the league and the one against Milan on April 2 in the first leg of the Coppa Italia semi-finals. Today at the sports center there will be only the players committed to leaving the infirmary as soon as possible, from tomorrow the rest of the group (waiting for the return of the internationals) will begin to prepare for the match with the Friulians next Sunday. MT
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