Piaggeliadi returns to Florence, races start on April 13th

This is the 30th edition

11 marzo 2025
A Firenze tornano le Piaggeliadi, gare al via il 13 aprile

A Firenze tornano le Piaggeliadi, gare al via il 13 aprile

Florence, March 11, 2025 - The Piaggeliadi, mini Olympics in Florence dedicated to pupils and students of primary and secondary schools, reaches its 30th milestone: the opening ceremony is scheduled for April 12th at Mandela Forum, the races will begin on April 13 and end on May 25. The awards ceremony is scheduled for June 26 in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio. The Piaggeliadi program includes 60 meters, family marathon (a child runs with a parent), fencing, mini-tennis and go back, target shooting, swimming and five-a-side football. The event is promoted by the Municipality in collaboration with the Polisportiva Firenze Ovest, which is in charge of the organizational part. "This year too - underlined the sports councilor Letizia Perini - the great work of Firenze Ovest will allow a large number of pupils and students to try their hand at various disciplines. It is an opportunity to meet and socialize that enhances the true values ​​of sport. In these 30 years the Piaggeliadi have been able to transform a game opportunity into a reference event for the entire city and beyond". "An event that has now lasted for thirty years - commented Marco Borri, head of the organizing committee of the event -. It means that the format was liked and is useful to the city. Every year it has involved many children and this was our goal".

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