American Football. The Eagles mourn Marco Nani. He was a protagonist in the 90s

He was 53 years old, and ill. His disappearance in Paris, where he lived: the club's moving memory.

28 marzo 2025
Marco Nani, ai tempi in cui militava nelle Aquile

Marco Nani, ai tempi in cui militava nelle Aquile

A former player of the golden years of the Eagles, in the nineties, Nani was only 53 years old and afflicted by a terrible disease. "Meeting Marco on the street in his golden 90s, in civilian clothes, you would never have said he was a football player, and a very strong one at that - the Eagles say in their memory of the former player -. Small and compact, with a smile always on and an aura of positivity that radiated on anyone who was next to him. He had an immense heart and courage, Marco. And these qualities of his made him great, on and off the field".

Born in 1971, he was one of the best products of the “Mike Wyatt generation”: a classy receiver and running back first, and then a coach. Every teammate, coach, manager, player who crossed his path has only exceptional memories of him.

"Because that's what Marco was, an exceptional man. You left us far too soon #15, even if it was to join your beloved Luca and Carlo Alberto. We will all remember you with great affection, Aquila. Have a good trip," the company wrote on its website.

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