Comeback from a movie: Unahotels wins Bonn

The Bcl play-ins begin with a magical evening in Germany. Down by 16, Barford and Winston drag the red and whites: a screaming final quarter!

8 gennaio 2025
Cassius Winston sfugge alla morsa di Phlandrous Fleming Jr: devastante il playmaker biancorosso, tra i top scorer con 21 punti della truppa di Priftis

Cassius Winston sfugge alla morsa di Phlandrous Fleming Jr: devastante il playmaker biancorosso, tra i top scorer con 21 punti della truppa di Priftis

 Reggio Emilia, January 8, 2024 – We have seen many matches by now, but this one will forever have a special place in the red and white trophy cabinet. Down 16 on the road at the start of the final quarter, with the reserve light on and morale at rock bottom, Reggio Emilia Basketball has proven to have a heart directly proportional to her attributes and – dragged by a Burford disguised as Michael Jordan and one Cassius winston in killer form – he silenced the Telekom Dome in Bonn, snatching Game 1 of the play-in from their hands Champions League. Next Wednesday the Unahotels will therefore have the opportunity to close the matter at the PalaBigi, but in the meantime it is right to celebrate an undertaking that has very few precedents.

A sensational swing of emotions, because after a perfect start – with Barford who had brought Reggio to the maximum advantage (9-19 after 5') – Priftis had hastily shuffled the cards the red and whites had suddenly collapsed. At half time the Germans were at +7 (49-42) and there was the clear feeling that they were just waiting for the right moment to give the push and send us all back into the Po Valley fog. Only the competitive trance of Barford and the pride of the lion Faried they seemed to be able to resist. And instead here is the feat, with Unahotels able to place a 12-2 break to give themselves a chance (74-68). Like a dramatic film, however, just at the best moment the twist: Kennedy who takes steps, but manages to pass to Soares who scores a poisonous triple (77-68 at 33'). Priftis loses his temper and the referees send him out (second technical). This time, however Fuca confirms to be the ace in the hole of this staff: he instills calm and determination and his boys respond blow for blow until Barford overtakes (87-89 in the 38th minute). Here begins the Winston show who scores 4 points in a row and sets up a victory that materializes after Faried's 1/2 at the free throw line.

The little table



TELEKOM BONN: Mc Ghee 19 (5/6, 2/12), Hume 5 (1/5 from 3), Fleming 23 (8/8, 1/6), Bahre (0/1, 0/1), Kennedy 5 (1/3); Griesel 7 (2/3, 1/1), Soares 17 (1/1, 4/4), Pape 12 (4/5, 1/4), Thiemann 3 (1/1). All.: Moors.

UNAHOTELS REGGIO EMILIA: Winston 21 (6/8, 1/4), Barford 34 (6/11, 7/7), Grant (0/1 from 3), Cheatham 9 (0/4, 3/8), Faried 13 (5/7); Uglietti 2 (0/1 from 3), Gombauld 5 (2/2), Vitali 5 (1/1, 1/2), Smith 5 (1/3, 1/3), Chillo. Ne: Gallo, Fainke. Coach: Priftis

Referees: Gedvilas, Ylmaz, Manniste

Partials: (24-22, 49-42; 72-56)

Notes Tl: Bon 17/21 Reg 13/20. Reb.: Bon 27 (Fleming 6) Reg 39 (Faried 9). Ass.: Bon 14 (Griesel and Mc Ghee 3) Reg 18 (Winston 5).

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